This Week: Sept 15 - 21

S-TH Weekday Mincha + Maariv
S-TH New 2nd Maariv
Shabbos Parshas
Ki Savo
Erev Shabbos, Sept 20
Early Mincha / Candle Lighting
5:40 / 5:56-6:10PM
Erev Shabbos Regular
Mincha / Candle Lighting
6:55 / 6:55PM
Schedule and Shabbos Observer generally updated weekly on Thursdays.


Congregation Bais Yisroel provides an opportunity for every Jew to grow closer to Hashem (G-D) and His Torah.

We emphasize the study of Torah and live according to its guidelines and teachings. This wisdom adds a new dimension of success, understanding and purpose to each moment and every detail of life.

Bais Yisroel offers boys' and girls' Orthodox youth groups for grades 1-8.

Important Information

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